Uganda College of Commerce

SMS, WhatsApp, Email and other latest means of communication facilitate and at the same time greatly complicate life. We are waiting for our messages to react quickly, and best of all at once, without getting an answer, we begin to worry and even suffer. English writer Christine Manbi prepared an essay about a new form of addiction.

“Where are you gone? I sent you a message an hour and a half ago, but you still didn’t answer! My phone says that it was delivered, but perhaps it still did not pass? I will try again. Here, I send. And now my phone says that you read the first message two minutes after sending! But you still don’t answer! What’s the matter? It is so difficult – to poke twice in the phone and dial ok? Why are you silent? Are you ignoring me? You left me? You died?”

In fact, the addressee received a message when he sat in London on a train to go to France for a summit dedicated to global problems of maintaining land. After departure, he ended up in a “blind” zone where mobile communications are not available. Therefore, the response that he wrote did not leave

, which he did not know. The notification “Your Message was not sent” noted, only when he arrived in France, but he didn’t immediately write, suggesting that the message would cost a dozen pounds, and decided that he would send the answer for free through WhatsApp when he reaches the hotel where Wi will be Wi-Fi.

For these hours, the sender quickly defeated the distance from the question “Do not want to have dinner from me today?”Before the question” What did you meet another?”.

In former times, even before most of us have acquired by answering machines, it was more difficult for us to feel rejected. If you could not wait for a call from a person whom you really wanted to hear, you could explain this by the fact that he probably tried to get through in the ten minutes when you ran out into a neighboring store.